External Beam Radiation

What is external beam radiation?

A device known as a linear accelerator is used in a radiation therapy procedure known as external beam radiation therapy to deliver high-energy radiation beams to the body's malignant tissue. In contrast to brachytherapy, which places the radioactive source inside the body, external beam radiation therapy delivers radiation from outside the body. The treatment is provided in brief sessions five days a week for a few weeks. External beam radiation therapy is generally well tolerated and causes few side effects in most patients.

Why get external beam radiation?

External beam radiation therapy is typically utilised when surgery or other treatments have failed to eradicate cancer. High-energy radiation beams from a linear accelerator can kill cancer cells and shrink tumours. Aside from or in addition to other procedures or therapies like chemotherapy, external beam radiation therapy can be used. The therapy can also be used as a palliative medication to ease symptoms in patients with advanced cancer who are not eligible for other therapies.

Several cancer types are treated using external beam radiation therapy, including:

  • List ImageBrain cancer
  • List ImageBreast cancer
  • List ImageGynaecological cancers
  • List ImageHead and neck cancer
  • List ImageLiver cancer
  • List ImageLung cancer
  • List ImagePancreatic cancer
  • List ImageProstate cancer

How is external beam radiation administered?

External beam radiation therapy is carried out using a linear accelerator, also referred to as a Linac. The body's cancer-prone area receives high-energy radiation beams from the Linac. The following steps are frequently incorporated into the therapy:

  • List ImagePlanning
    Dr Motilall will perform imaging examinations to outline the treatment area before beginning the procedure. This stage aids Dr Motilall in figuring out how to administer radiation to the cancerous area while minimising damage to healthy tissue.
  • List ImagePositioning
    You will recline on a treatment table before each treatment session. You might benefit from using special equipment to maintain your position throughout the procedure.
  • List ImageRadiation delivery
    The linear accelerator is positioned to allow an accurate radiation beam targeting the tumour's location within the body.
  • List ImageMonitoring
    The delivery of external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) is typically monitored to ensure the patient receives the correct radiation dose.

Dr Motilall will monitor your position throughout the procedure and alter the radiation delivery as necessary using imaging tests and other methods.